So that everyday life can run smoothly.

Life goes on in houses and homes. Our ambition is that things should run smoothly, allowing people to focus on what’s important. Do you have enough hot water?

How can we help you?

Assemblin is an end-to-end installation and service partner with operations in Sweden and Norway. We design, install and maintain technical systems in areas such as electricity, heating, sanitation, ventilation and automation in small and large projects alike. On this page you can learn more about our history and our business. Let us know if you want to contact us or cannot find what you are looking for! 

Contact us

Accelerated digital transformation

We use new technology to increase customer benefit and internal efficiency.

Organisation and governance

Vision and strategy

We have updated our identity with a brand new vision, new values and three clear strategic focus areas.

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An organisation near our customers

Assemblin’s operations are decentralised. The foundation of our business operations is our local branches, with expertise and resources that match local needs.

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Owner and board

Since 2015, Assemblin’s majority owner is the investment company Triton. Find out more about Triton and our Board of Directors here.

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It's the inside that matters

This is Sigge. Great dog. Has heart and personality so it is enough and over. Which is the most important thing. The same applies to buildings. Beautiful facades are great. But it’s on the inside life happens.

Our history

Assemblin is part of Sweden’s installation industry history. Cultures, skills and people from a long line of successful companies have come together to create Assemblin as we know it today.

More about us

Our sustianbility approach

Assemblin's obvious starting point is that stable and profitable development over time requires a long-term and responsible approach.

Contact us

A short email is the first step towards the solution you are looking for. Otherwise, it's just as good to call.