A stable company in a developing market

Below we have gathered information for those who have invested in our listed Eurobond or want to know more about Assemblin's financial performance.

A part of the Assemblin Caverion Group

From April 1, 2024, Assemblin is part of the Assemblin Caverion Group - a leading North European technical service and installation company.

Combined, Assemblin and Caverion is a true market leading forerunner providing the most comprehensive and cutting edge solutions across the full lifecycle of built environment. From Q2 2024 the financial results will be consolidated into combined reports which will be presented at assemblincaverion.com. Previous reports from Assemblin are presented in this section.

Assemblin Caverion Group

Assemblin as an investment

Assemblin is to generate a strong yield through stable financial development, with controlled risks and a sound approach grounded in business ethics and limited environmental impact.

Corporate governance

Well-structured operations, active control efforts and a sound corporate culture ensure sustainable value creation with limited risk, in accordance with the requirements placed on Swedish companies with listed securities.

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Targets and reporting

Reports and presentations

Here you can find our financial reports, as well as material from our quarterly investor web casts.

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Our overall targets

Assemblin's Board of Directors has decided on financial targets as well as an environmental target.

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External rating

Assemblin obtaines credit assessments from three independent institutions on an ongoing basis.

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IR contacts

If you have questions about our financial development or our business, please contact Philip Carlsson, CFO, +46 10 475 39 50, or Åsvor Brynnel, Head of Communications, +46 10 475 39 48.